Tuesday, September 17, 2013


An illegal vodka vending machine has been discovered in the centre of the Ukrainian city of Melitopol.
Authorities in the south eastern city are currently investigating how the device was installed, having quickly realised it was a converted coffee machine that accepted money.
Passers-by would have been able to purchase one shot of vodka for 7.50 hryvnia (£0.59) and also had access to a range of fruit juice mixers.
According to local press, Ukrainian tax inspectors are looking to interview the owners of the locally-named "wonder machine" in connection with the suspected illegal trade in alcohol.
It has been reported over recent months that the increase in the illegal production of spirits in Eastern Europe is having a negative effect on the slowing legal vodka market.
This also follows news of an illegal vodka pipeline discovered in Kazakhstan last month.
Illegal vodka pipeline discovered in Kyrgyzstan
KYRGYZ customs officials have shut down a pipeline that had been used to apparently pump thousands of litres of vodka from Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan under a river, Kyrgyz police say, according to the Akipress news agency.
The 20-centimetre-thick, half-kilometre-long pipe had been laid beneath the border river Chu, said the police official from the northern Kyrgyz city of Tokmok.
It was equipped with multiple valves and lay on a track along the river's bottom.
"We assume that thousands of litres of alcohol were smuggled with it, primarily vodka," said the police officer.
It is believed the alcohol was smuggled this way for months.
The pipe was discovered during a routine inspection.

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